
Deuteronomy is unavailable, but you can change that!

The theological significance of Deuteronomy cannot be overestimated. Few books in the Bible proclaim such a relevant word of grace and gospel to the church today. At its heart, Deuteronomy records the covenantal relationship between God and his people. God graciously has chosen Israel as his covenant partner and has demonstrated his covenantal commitment to them. Moses challenges the Israelites...

New Testament, that person is Paul. Like Moses, this apostle of liberty was specially called not only to lead the community of faith in the mission to which God had called it, but especially to draw out the theological and soteriological significance of God’s saving actions and to instruct God’s people in the life of covenant faith. In so doing Paul responded sharply to those who insisted that adherence to the law of Moses was a prerequisite to salvation, and he called his hearers to salvation by
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